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[ ] ITEC-ap 2019 국제 컨퍼런스 개최 안내

· 작성자 : 제주대학교      ·작성일 : 2019-04-23 00:00:00      ·조회수 : 316     


ITEC-ap 2019 국제 컨퍼런스 개최 안내

2019년 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific)이
2019년 5월 8일~10일 ICC Jeju에서 개최됩니다. ITEC-ap2019 컨퍼런스는 전기자동차, 관련 부품 및 각종 전기동력 추진차량과 운송 장치들에 대한 세계적인 국제학술대회입니다.
ITEC 컨퍼런스는 북미, 인도, 유럽 등지에서 개최되는 글로벌 ITEC 컨퍼런스와 더불어 엔지니어, 연구자 및 CEO들에게 운송에너지전기화(Transportation Electrification) 분야에 대한 정보와 지식을 획득하고 상호 교류하는 기회를 제공하고 있습니다.
11개의 트랙과 24개 이상의 특별 세션, 200 여편의 논문과 기술해설이 발표될 예정이며, 기조 강연자로 현 ITEC(IEEE Transportation Electrification Community) 의장인 미국의 브루노 박사를 비롯한 미국, 중국, 덴마크, 아랍에미레이트 등지의 저명한 교수와 연구원들이 참여하여 이슈 주제에 대해 강연을 할 예정입니다.
제주대학교는 주관기관으로써 컨퍼런스 개최를 책임지고 있습니다. 많은 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다.

홈페이지 : http://www.itec-ap2019.com/

1. 일시: 2019년 5월 8일(수)~10일 09:00~18:00

2. 장소: ICC Jeju / 삼다홀, 한라홀, 400호, 401호, 402A호, 402B호 외
3. 주최: IEEE
4. 주관: ITEC-AP Organizaing Committee, IEVE Organizing Committee

The 2019 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific) will be held on May 8-10, 2019 in Jeju, Korea. This conference is a technical conference and industry exhibition dedicated to electrified vehicles and components, subsystems, and systems for all types of electrified vehicles and transportation systems (land, air, space, and sea). ITEC Asia-Pacific is a part of a global series of ITEC conferences taking place around the world (North America, Asia, India, and Europe) to help engineers, researchers and decision makers exchange information and knowledge on electrified transportation technologies.
There are 11 tracks and over 24 special sessions - Motor Drive System, V2G, Integration of EV into Smart Grid, Autonomous Driving etc. - and about 200 papers will be presented.
One of the keynote speaker and title is ‘Electric Machines for Automotive Propulsion: History and Future’(Dr. Bruno Lequesne/past president of the IEEE Industry Applications Society & current chair of the IEEE Transportation Electrification Community, USA). Other speakers from USA, UAE, Denmark and China will also speak about several areas.

세션 주요주제(토픽):
1. 테크니컬 세션
- Power Electronics and Electric Motor Drives
- Thermal Management, Packaging, and Optimization of Traction Drive System
- Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle System Architectures
- Smart Mobility, Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Smart Grid, Electrical Infrastructure, and V2G/V2I Applications
- Electrical Systems and Components for Vehicles
- Codes, Standards, Policies, and Regulations for Transportation Electrification
- Electric Machines and Actuators
- Battery, Battery Management Systems, Chargers and Charging Infrastructures
- Connected and Automated Vehicles
- Vehicle Security
- Electrification of Heavy-Duty and Off-Road Vehicles
- Modeling, Simulation, and Control

2. 스페셜 세션
- Motor Drive System
- Renewable Energy
- EV Economics and Policies
- AI and IT Convergence
- Battery Technology for EVs
- City Futures: Smart Cities and Smart Mobility
- Power Electronic Application
- Vehicle Control Systems
- EV Bus
- Electric Vehicle Power and Vision System Technology
- Electric Motor for Electric Vehicle Application
- BMS and Charging Technology for Electric Vehicle
- Smart Grid Modeling and Applications
- Electric Machines for Propulsion System
- V2G: Communication Standards, Power Distribution, and beyond
- Block Chain
- Vehicle Security and Safety
- Integration of EV into Smart Grid: Charging Facility, Business Model and Control Strategy
- Future Technology and Education
- Autonomous Driving
- Status and Prospect of Electric Vehicle Technologies
- Simulation Technology of Optimal Design, Novel Concept, and Material for Electric Machines

- Dr. Bruno Lequesne
- Dr. Seungdeog Choi
- Ph.D, Prof. Song-Yul Choe
- Dr. Yousef Al-Hammadi
- Dr. Ernesto Damiani
- Dr. Longya Xu
- Dr. Chan Yeob Yeun
- Dr. Chresten Træholt
- Dr. Zechun Hu
- Director Elizabeth A. Kocs
- Dr. Giorgio Rizzoni

ITEC-ap 2019 국제 컨퍼런스 개최 안내

· 첨부 #1 : noname01.png (51 KBytes)

1033페이지 / 현재 626페이지

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