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학생 성장의 요람, 새로운 가치를 만드는 대학

[ ] (혁신)제3기 글로벌 서포터즈 모집 재공고(외국인 재학생 모집)

· 작성자 : 국제교류본부      ·작성일 : 2022-06-02 00:00:00      ·조회수 : 1,079     

(혁신)JNU 제3기 글로벌 서포터즈.jpg


3rd Global Supporters Recruitment of International Students


Recruiting total(Enrolled International student)


*Korean student recruitment already concluded



- Support International students to adapt to living in Korea(Pick-Up Service, Orientation, Korean Cultural Experience)

- Plan Cultural Experience programs for International students

- Promote the Office of International Affairs’ Social media(Facebook, Instagram)

- Make promotion material led by students(Video-Blog, Card News)



- Admit Volunteer hours(※Follow the results of the performance report)



- Enrolled international student in Jeju National University

- Student who has acquired at least 12 credits in the previous semester(In case of the last year of undergraduate, at least 1 course should be taken.) and has a GPA 1.4 or higher out of 4.3(※Freshman’s grades are not relevant)

- (Preference) Those who are good at utilizing Social media(Facebook, Blog). Those who can use video editing program(VLLO) or make Card News (Mango Board)


Recruitment period : ’22. 6. 2.(Thur)~

Period of activity : From June to December

Process : Notify individually after interview

How to apply : Min-Ji Kim from the Office of International Affairs ☎754-8281

Required Document : A copy of Self-Introduction (Check out the attached file)

E-mail: [email protected]

(혁신)제3기 글로벌 서포터즈 모집 재공고(외국인 재학생 모집)

(혁신)제3기 글로벌 서포터즈 모집 재공고(외국인 재학생 모집)

· 첨부 #1 : 제3기 글로벌 서포터즈 포스터.jpg (364 KBytes)

· 첨부 #2 : (혁신)JNU 제3기 글로벌 서포터즈.jpg (371 KBytes)

· 첨부 #3 : 글로벌 서포터즈 자기소개서 양식.hwp (11 KBytes)

1036페이지 / 현재 1013페이지

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